I am trying to read a quadrature motor encoder with the Raspberry Pi. After attempting to write the code in Python, I came to the conclusion that Python was too slow (which was expected). I tried to write the code in C++, but the output surprised me.
C++ Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <pigpio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class Encoder {
int pinA;
int pinB;
volatile int steps = 0;
Encoder(int aPinA, int aPinB) {
pinA = aPinA;
pinB = aPinB;
gpioSetMode(pinA, PI_INPUT);
gpioSetMode(pinB, PI_INPUT);
gpioSetAlertFuncEx(pinA, static_callback, this);
void static static_callback(int gpio, int level, unsigned int tick, void * this_pointer) { // Static function so it can be passed as a callback
Encoder * self = static_cast<Encoder*>(this_pointer);
if (level == 1) {
cout << self->steps << endl;
if (gpioRead(self->pinB) == 1) self->steps++;
else self->steps--;
void stopCallbacks() {
gpioSetAlertFuncEx(pinA, NULL, this);
int main() {
Encoder encoder1(23, 24);
return 0;
The output of which looked like this:
I expected the output to increase or decrease, instead of going all over the place, as the motor was going in one direction.
Sorry if this is just a dumb mistake, I am learning C++ :). If there is more info that needs to be included, please ask. Here is the motor encoder I am using: https://www.pololu.com/product/4866.