I bought a 433MHz receiver and transmitter to send data from a Raspberry Pi 3 to an Arduino Uno.
I searched the internet for tutorials, Arduino StackExchange and Raspberry Pi StackExchange but I did not find anything helpful.
I bought a 433MHz receiver and transmitter to send data from a Raspberry Pi 3 to an Arduino Uno.
I searched the internet for tutorials, Arduino StackExchange and Raspberry Pi StackExchange but I did not find anything helpful.
The 433Utils Library is probably what you're looking for. The author even provides example arduino sketches. If you want the Arduino to listen the RF-Sniffer is what you need!
There are also more great tutorials online just like this one.
You could try my implementation of VirtualWire to send small data packets between a Pi and an Arduino.
Class to send and receive radio messages compatible with the Virtual Wire library for Arduinos. This library is commonly used with 313MHz and 434MHz radio tranceivers.