I am trying to interface MPU-6050 with the Raspberry Pi, Since it require I2C connections so I have connected using the following pins:
3.3V connect to VCC SDA connect to SDA SCL connect to SCL Ground connect to GND
However, when I check if the device is detected using i2cdetect -y 1
, nothing is displayed, just the empty I2C address table.
On the other hand, the MPU-6050's yellow light is turned on when it is connected.
I am sure that I have done everything correct because other sensor (BMP085) is being normally displaying in the I2C address table when I try to connect to it, additionally an ADC Pi unit is also normally showing in the I2C table.
I have tried to connect MPU6050 both with and without the BMP085, but in either case, its address is not displaying in the I2C address table.
What could be the problem here?
Beside: VCC, SDA, SCL and GND; am I supposed to connect any other pins too? There are these other pins: XDA, XCL, ADD and INT!