I am trying to set up my magnetometer QMC5883L with my raspberry pi 4.
But the pi is somehow not reading the magnetometer.
I ran the command i2cdetect -y 1, but there is no detection.
My connections seem to be secure, and I have installed and updated all the necessary components also:
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
- sudo apt-get install python-smbus
- sudo apt-get install python3
I have set up the i2c interface active as well, using:
sudo raspi-config -> Interface -> i2c -> "YES"
I have also crossed checked the presence of all the required kernels at boot up time
- i2c-dev
- i2c-bcm2835
- snd-bcm2835
I am still not able to figure out what the issue exactly is, have I missed some module or kernel out ?
Following is the link of the module/sensor being used:
(The above link has all the attachments like datasheet and library of the magnetometer)