This is my first time posting a question and I am a new RPi user. I have bought a robotics kit from Adeept (The PiCar B) and I am facing issues with getting the RPi camera to work when the Motor Hat is plugged in. Link to Adeept :
I have tested the camera (without the Motor Hat) and seems to function just fine. The camera cable goes through a slot in the Motor Hat and connects to the RPi 4 terminal. I am using the raspistill
command to determine whether the camera is working or not. I have included the screenshot of the issue I am facing; I have connected the motor hat and tried to create an image file "5.jpg". Doing so results in the following error;
mmal: mmal_vc_component_enable: failed to enable component: ENOSPC
mmal: camera component couldn't be enabled
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Failed to run camera app. Please check for firmware updates
Running the command "vcgencmd get_camera"
results in
supported=1 detected=1, which means that the camera is detected by the RPi 4.
Without the motor hat, I have been able to generate all of the jpg files that is shown in the picture above; "abcd.jpg, test.jpg, tester.jpg ,etc etc"
Can someone please help me out?