I have an original pi ( made in china) which I have just tried to use. But need to get wifi working, as the RJ45 is Down. It works to install pi os and configure it using a USB to RJ45 adapter but I need wifi for it's final destination.
I'm using an EDImax EW7811 USB to Wireless 802.11B/g/n adapter with Realtek RTL8188CUS chip. It reports "not associated) Ive run out of trying numerous settings including modifying wpa_supplicant.conf without success.
Has any one any experience of using this adapter with pi-os?
I have just installed the same wifi dongle on a pi-4 with the same os with no problems! Ithink the pi-1 needs something in /boot/config.txt (Bravo spotted this). lsusb picks up the dongle on both machines. Correction the pi 4 is running 64bit os