I want to power my Raspberry Pi 4 and a hat separately.
I have a 2200 mAh 3S LiPo and 2 x 3.4 V 18560 batteries. If I just cut off the 5 V pin from the Pi and power the Pi from the LiPo batteries, using a convertor, do I have to connect all of the grounds together? There are 3 volt pins on the hat, so will be there any issue with it?
I am using this Robot HATS
Note: I know that there is an external port. I have a DC to DC converter to power the Pi through the GPIO pins. But the problem is that I have a hat which goes on top of the Pi. The hat is using another source (2 x 3.4 volt batteries) since the hat is using the 3.3 V pin should I connect the ground of both the supply (to the pi and the hat).