I created an Raspberry Pi SDCard with Ubuntu / Server (22.04.1 LTS) and it did not mount my Android Phone files as expected. I was using a Raspberry Pi 4 w/4GB of memory.

I double checked using the same phone and my Ubuntu desktop and that did work. I saw new directories and files under /run/user/... .

I then installed gmtp and mtp-tools into the Raspberry Pi and rebooted. The Raspberry Pi still did not mount my Android Phone. A device with "mtp" in its name does show up in the Raspberry Pi's /dev directory each time I plug in my Android Phone.

Is there yet another package that needs to be installed?

Maybe a service needs to be started?

  • 2
    Similar question posted by OP on Ubuntu.SE: Mounting Android Phone on Ubuntu/Server/Raspberry Pi not working even after installing gmtp and mtp-tools
    – Andrew T.
    Commented Nov 10, 2022 at 22:26
  • Yes, but it is not a cut and past. They are worded differently to addressed the different user groups. Also, the RaspberryPi.SE post was not made until 80% of the expected views (13 out of (currently) 16) occurred for the Ubuntu.SE question. It is odd that you found this. Are you a Linux & Android enthusiast? Perhaps you can contribute by answering the question?
    – st2000
    Commented Nov 11, 2022 at 2:34
  • I get the feeling fuse service has to be running - been ages since I've done any linux that would need such "automount" though Commented Nov 11, 2022 at 7:58

1 Answer 1


The question is about mounting a USB / MTP Android Phone using using an Ubuntu Raspberry Pi distribution and did not specify auto mounting. I found on the Raspberry Pi / Ubuntu / Server (22.04.1 LTS) distribution there are no Android Phone UDEV rules as was on my Ubuntu desktop distribution. At which point I chose manual USB / MTP mounting as that would work for my application.

I found after installing the packages mentioned in the question and android-file-transfer that I was able to manually mount an Android Phone using USB / MTP. Here is essentially what I was able to do:

$ mkdir /home/ubuntu/mnt
$ sudo aft-mtp-mount /home/ubuntu/mnt
$ sudo ls /home/ubuntu/mnt
'Internal storage'

... when done, I unmounted the Android Phone with the following command:

$ sudo fusermount -uz /home/ubuntu/mnt

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