I am using the pigpio C interface to drive an OLED, and cannot send transfers of over 128 bytes using the spi_write command. Apart from this spi_write works, as well as all other GPIO pin use for D/C and RES flags.
I can confirm this is not a hardware or OLED issue as I have a logic analyzer hooked up and increasing the transfer amount over 128 bytes results in nothing being sent, so it is likely a PIGPIO / SPIDEV / RPi issue.
Initialisation of the pigpio daemon:
initNewGPIO = pigpio_start(NULL, NULL); // Initialise pigpio
Opening SPI interface:
portNewWrite = spi_open(initNewGPIO, 0, 1000000, 0); // Channel, Baud, Flags
Regular call of the spi_write function (preceded by setting D/C flag and filling buffer with desired data):
spi_write(initNewGPIO, portNewWrite, data, count); // where data[] is a char* array of 8192 bytes, and count is a sizeof(data)
The previous initialisation and calls have no output on the SPI lines at all when sending more than 128 bytes at a time. The initialisation happens, followed by no activity on the MOSI line. Sending 128 bytes outputs normally:
spi_write(initNewGPIO, portNewWrite, data, 128); // data[] is a char* array of 128 bytes
spi_write(initNewGPIO, portNewWrite, data, 8192); // data[] is a char* array of 8192 bytes
I am relatively new to pigpio and spi-dev and would appreciate any troubleshooting tips to be able to better understand what's going on here. Is this an issue with my baud rate, or the SPI mode that I am using?
Please let me know if I should provide additional information to make the issue more clear.
Thanks, H
EDIT 1: A more complete code example for context, showing the SPI write function which is used to send the framebuffer to the display.
// We're using Braodcom pin numbers
unsigned int BUSY = 24;
unsigned int RESET = 25;
char *fb = (char *) calloc(8192, sizeof(char));
int status, portRead, initGPIO;
void fillBuffer()
for (int n = 0; n < sizeof(fb); n++){
fb[n] = 0xF;
void initPort()
initGPIO = pigpio_start(NULL, NULL); // Initialise pigpio
if (initGPIO < 0)
printf("Failed to initialise GPIO for OLED... [pigpio]\n");
printf("PIGPIO error code: %d\n", initGPIO);
printf("Initialised GPIO for OLED [pigpio]\n");
set_mode(initGPIO, RESET, PI_OUTPUT); // SET 25 (RESET) to input
gpio_write(initGPIO, RESET, 1); // Raise RESET
portRead = spi_open(initGPIO, 0, 1000000, 0); // Channel, Baud, Flags
void writePort(char data[], uint8_t count)
status = spi_write(initGPIO, portRead, data, count);
if (status != count)
printf("Status: %d", status); // print simultaneous SPI transfer result
int main(void)
writePort(fb, sizeof(fb));
return 0;