I’m working on a project which uses Grove Water Atomiser which has 5V operating voltage. I’ve used it with Arduino nano and it has 3 pins: Vcc (5V), Gnd and a control pin which receives the signal from the controller (high/low) to turn the atomiser on/off.
I was hoping to use this with RPi Pico W as it provides wireless capabilities at a much lower price compared to Arduino nano (£5.40 vs £30) and I can use MicroPython but it only has 3.3V operational voltage. Would I be able to use something like a buck converter to step up the voltage to 5V to power the atomisers?
If it matters, I’m also hoping to use a rechargeable LiPo battery for this further down the line.
If it’s a stupid idea do let me know and I’m open to suggestions for other microcontrollers to use!