i had for a long time dead RPI Zero 2 Wifi, and i did a few modifications - soldered pins to I2C, +5V and GND, and put a mini RF connector for pigtail antenna. Tried overclocking it.
However Pi got dead. and i cannot for love of god understand what happened.
Since that i cleared all my modifications and checked there are no shorts on PCB, debree that is shorting anything (even in SD card connnector) etc...
From what i am able to tell, 5V and 3V3 rails are ok, what i am worried is 1V8 shows 1.05V and DDR_1V2 reads same - 1.05V. Core is 1.23V. The LED never goes on (with or without SD card) and no screen from HDMI either.
My other Pi02W has the 1.8V indeed at 1.8V ,DDR2 at 1.26V and core at 1.4V.
Is there some schematics of Pi, or can someone pinpoint to what can be the culprit? I still somehow believe it can be saved, with ... unability to get new one.