I was trying to install Kasm Workspace on Ubuntu Server 23.10 LTS and I received this error:
Setting Seed file as /opt/kasm/1.10.0/conf/database/seed_data/default_properties.yaml yaml: unmarshal errors: line 22: mapping key "restart" already defined at line 6 line 39: mapping key "restart" already defined at line 34 Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: kasm_db: No such container: kasm_db Error response from daemon: No such container: kasm_db kasm_db_1.10. 0 kasm_db_1. 10.0 yaml: unmarshal errors: line 22: mapping key "restart" already defined at line 6 line 39: mapping key "restart" already defined at line 34
—————————————————————- I have not been able to resolve the problem.
Thanks —CS—