
I am running Ubuntu 22.04LTS in order to use ROS-humble on my RPi, however I am running into some issues. How do I configure the GPIO pins and also is there some things that I should note. I plan on using PCA9685 with is a pwm expansion which uses i2c to communicate.

I used this resource so far https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/gpio-on-raspberry-pi#1-overview

but I am not sure if this would solve my issue. I really just need someone to tell/show me a good example on how to set this up.

Essentially, all I want is to configure my GPIO pins. Is there anything I need to do prior ie install libraries? Or should I be good to go from the get go. I am only asking this because I always run in to package issues when trying to program the PCA9685.

  • Have you enabled I2C interface?
    – liaifat85
    Commented Jun 13 at 14:00
  • Please clarify your specific problem or provide additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Jun 13 at 17:04
  • @liaifat85 yes, I have.
    – msalaz03
    Commented Jun 13 at 23:45

2 Answers 2


You shouldn't need ANY library. Just use dtoverlay i2c-pwm-pca9685a in config.txt

Name:   i2c-pwm-pca9685a

Info:   Adds support for an NXP PCA9685A I2C PWM controller on i2c_arm

Usage:  dtoverlay=i2c-pwm-pca9685a,<param>=<val>

Params: addr                    I2C address of PCA9685A (default 0x40)
        i2c0                    Choose the I2C0 bus on GPIOs 0&1
        i2c_csi_dsi             Choose the I2C0 bus on GPIOs 44&45
        i2c3                    Choose the I2C3 bus (configure with the i2c3
                                overlay - BCM2711 only)
        i2c4                    Choose the I2C3 bus (configure with the i2c3
                                overlay - BCM2711 only)
        i2c5                    Choose the I2C5 bus (configure with the i2c4
                                overlay - BCM2711 only)
        i2c6                    Choose the I2C6 bus (configure with the i2c6
                                overlay - BCM2711 only)
  • Yeah I ran "sudo i2cdetect -y 1" and I can see the pca-9685 on the correct address so I know it can see it. what would this command be doing essentially?
    – msalaz03
    Commented Jun 10 at 23:12
  • I don't have one so can't say but presumably this will add /dev entries you could use to access. WHAT do you see?
    – Milliways
    Commented Jun 12 at 7:25

Sorry for the confusing question, but to answer my own question I was missing the RPi.GPIO dependency which I was able to get through this cmd: sudo apt-get install python3-rpi.gpio

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