Hi guys I would like you to tell me how to control 2 fans mounted in parallel from GPIO pins. I saw some electric diagrams using NPN transistors and protecting resistors/led but I can't really figure them out, I'm afraid to do mistakes and burn my pi lol
I would like to connect the fans to the 5V pin to power them and use some kind of a software switch which would monitor the pi temperature and tell whether or not to turn the fan on.
Something like : if rpi_temp > 50° turn gpio x on (which would activate the fans) else turn gpio x off
I thought about doing this on the 5v pin but I'm 100% sure I shouldn't because it seems too simple and everything I saw on the net involved resistors, transistors etc.. Thanks for your help guys, and please explain me like I'm 5, I'm a very beginner in electronic stuffs ^_^