I've bought a ILI9341 TFT LCD Screen + Touch to my Raspberry pi. The screen is the MI0283QT-9A "TFT PROTO", from Mikroeletronika. Here is the link to the producer's page. It has an ILI9341 chipset, according to the producer.
I searched around the web about how to wire it up and make it run on Raspberry pi. The little screen accepts 5 interface modes: 16-bit, 8-bit, 18-bit, 9-bit and SPI. To save some GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi, I thought I could use the SPI Interface mode.
I found this site where a guy hook the same type of screen on a Rpi. The thing is, his pins are different from mine!
He writes the following pin connection:
Name Raspi Display Board
+5V 2+4 3+4
GND 6 1+2
CS_DISP 26 (CE1) 7
RST_DISP 16 (GPIO23) 6
LED_DISP 18 (GPIO24) 5
MOSI 19 8
MISO 21 9
SCLK 23 10
I don't have those pins on my LCD board. In fact, the screen is driven with 3.3v, not 5. The following are my pins:
IM1 | | IM0
IM3 | | IM2
DB17 | | RST
DB15 | | DB16
DB13 | | DB14
DB11 | | DB12
DB9 | | DB10
DB7 | | DB8
DB5 | | DB6
DB3 | | DB4
DB1 | | DB2
SND | | DB0
CS | | RS
y+ | | x+
y- | | x-
GND | | 3.3v
Now, I read that MOSI is SDO, and MISO is SDI, but what GND do I use? Where is the CLK, CS, RESET (I think mine is RST). And his driver will work for me (without frying my Rpi, that is)?
And what about the touch feature? How do I hook-up it? How can I find a driver for it? Any help is fine!
Thanks a lot, in advance.