I'm working on a project with a RasPi in which I have to find a bright spot in an image (the bright spot is fire). I've written a function (code below) which captures images to RGB arrays using the PiRGBArray method of the PiCamera module. I need to compare two images to perform a crude background subtract (to reduce any ambient light), so I keep three images in a queue and return the image difference of the first and last every time a new image is taken. I am currently able to capture at about 4-6 frames per second.
When a fire is detected (by an external circuit) a GPIO pin triggers a callback function which reads the global FireImage
and finds the bright spot in it. Because of my current speed, I have to ask the callback to wait for one image cycle so that there will actually be flame in the frame. If I could speed up the frame capture, this wouldn't have to be the case.
My question is, is there a faster way to gather the images? Would it be possible to use PiCamera's CircularIO() method to store frames? If so, how would I extract the first and last frame from the io buffer for comparison? Is there anything glaringly stupid that I'm doing to slow myself down?
Thanks for any help!
Camera settings:
framerate: 30fps
resolution: 160X120
import picamera, picamera.array
from collections import deque
from scipy import average
def pictureQueue(res,bright,con,fps):
global FireImage
imqueue = deque([])
with picamera.PiCamera() as cam:
cam.resolution = res
cam.brightness = bright
cam.contrast = con
cam.framerate = fps
with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(cam) as output:
while True:
cam.capture(output,'rgb',use_video_port = True)
if len(imqueue) > 2:
FireImage = abs(imqueue[-1] - imqueue[0])
I don't know what I was thinking, but somehow I forgot about capture_continuous
. I just got up to ~32 fps by reducing the resolution to 50X50 (probably all I need for the current application) and taking the full RGB array (instead of averaging my own grayscaled image). I also store the whole imqueue
variable as a global
and take the difference of the images in the callback function. I left the code at work, so will update in the morning. Any suggestions on further increasing the speed are still welcome, but 30 fps is good enough for me at the moment. I will post it as an answer if no comments by the end of tomorrow.
Follow up question for anyone that might see this: If I increase the camera's framerate to 90 fps, I see an increase in captures to ~37 fps (understandable, since there is probably no way I can cycle through that much information that quickly with the Pi). Where are the other 53 frames going every second? Are they filling up a buffer somewhere just waiting to explode my RAM? Am I only seeing the first 37 frames pass through my queue, or do I just miss some frames along the way?