I'm thinking of picking up this TFT screen for my pi, and can't quite figure out from the images, if it's going to require use of all/some of the GPIO pins on the board, and whether they'll still be accessible for use by jumpers?
2 Answers
As @S.Spieker said it takes only #7 and #11 pin. To get physical access to other pins, you may consider using homemeade extender or female-male breadboard cables, so the shield won't cover the rest of unused pins.
The Amazon site says:
Uses the hardware SPI pins (SCK, MOSI, MISO, CE0, CE1) as well as GPIO #25 and #24
SPI Pins: GPIO #7 - #11 - So you can use the other GPIOs.
Yup, I did spot that, but it's not quite clear (to me) if it's going to connect with a ribbon jumper that will consume all the pins, unless that's more of a however I decide to attach it to the Pi sort of thing? Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 14:06