So I got a Raspberry Pi B+ and it worked very well. Some day something happened and the microSD was broken. I checked it using badblocks
. Now I got a new microSD and wanted to rearrange my structure but the pi won't boot at all. Everytime I connect it with the power supply the green LED just blinks 2 times and thats it, constant red and no signal. I tested this with all cables besides the power supply disconnected and even switched the power supply several times.
I really don't know what to do.
Is my pi broken?
-cable norHDMI
. I wrote a new downloadedRaspbian
image to the file and even tried older versions that worked before with the same microSD type. I wish it would blink more, as those patterns are well documented but I cannot find any documentation for 2 blinks, so I don't know whats wrong. :(