I put the script "myscript.sh" with the following content into init.d:
while :
raspistill -v --width 1920 --height 1440 --quality 10 -t 1000 -o /home/pi/webcam/current.jpg
sleep 3
now=$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_-_%H_%M_%S")
scp -i /home/pi/.ssh/id_rsa /home/pi/webcam/current.jpg [email protected]:/data/$now.jpg
rm /home/pi/webcam/current.jpg
sleep 10
I gave it execute permissions and also executed
sudo update-rc.d myscript defaults
and restarted the pi via sudo shutdown -r now
Judging from the fact that I cannot ssh into the pi anymore (it's in a remote location), this was a mistake. How do I best fix it when I get there? Do I have to remove the memory card and manually change something, or is there a chance that the console is still reachable, just not via ssh? Depending on the answer, I would bring or not bring a monitor.