I am taking pictures in very dark environment, and I would like to obtain a brighter image. How do I increase the exposure time? I've tried the following:
- different exposure mode, like night, verylong, etc
- set the shutter speed to different values
- tried different framerate (from 1 to 80)
- different exposure_compensation (0 to 24)
No matter what settings I use, I still get 33158 as the shutter speed when the images are being taken (yes, even if I set the shutter speed manually to a much higher value, it is still 33158). How to solve this problem? If I set the shutter speed to a lower value like 10000 or even 1000, then it works, but in that case the image is even darker (not what I want).
I also tried different brightness, but since I would like my image to cover the full range of pixels (from 0 to 255), I found brightness=50 the best (with brightness=60, even the darkest part of the image has a pixel value of about 40).
So, what else can I do to increase the exposure or change other settings of the camera so I can obtain a brighter image in a very dark environment?