Hello i am using ffserver with ffmpeg to stream a video with audio from web cam. The ffserver.conf file is :
Port 80
MaxClients 10
MaxBandwidth 50000
<Feed webcam.ffm>
file /tmp/webcam.ffm
FileMaxSize 10M
<Stream webcam.avi>
Feed webcam.ffm
Format avi
VideoSize 176x128
VideoFrameRate 15
VideoBufferSize 40
VideoBitRate 64
AudioBitRate 32
AudioChannels 1
AudioSampleRate 11025
VideoQMin 1
VideoQMax 20
<Stream stat.html>
Format status
And the command i am executing is :
ffserver -f /root/ff.conf & ffmpeg -vcodec mjpeg -v verbose -r 15 -s 176x128 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -ac 1 -i hw:1 http://localhost:81/webcam.ffm
The problem is that i cant see the stream through the web. Is there any other way to fix that or stream a video with audio through webcam? Thank you.