I'm most of the way to solving a project I've been working on and I have got stuck at what seems to be the last hurdle. I'm using a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian 8.0, and I'm trying to have it set up for SNMP so that I can query the status of a GPIO pin via SNMP. (I used http://www.satsignal.eu/raspberry-pi/monitoring.html as the basis of my code) I've successfully got the SNMPD running and I can check the "default" SNMP stuff so I know that part is working. My pin checking and circuit are also working and my script that should return a SNMP string actually appears to be returning meaningful data. What isn't working is my custom SNMP line.
When I query the device to check the SNMP status I get:
Error in packet
Reason: (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB.
Failed object: iso.
What I cannot find is why it's failing. I've had a look in both /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog and I can't see anything obvious.
Where should I be looking to help be diagnose the issue?
(I can attach any file anyone requires, if requested)