I am thinking of setting up a PBX at home. I am reasonably tech savvy but have never set up a PBX before. There seems to be a lot of info out there but I was wondering if someone could:
- Sense check the idea
- Give me some milestones e.g. first try set this up (detailed instructions not necessary). This way I can test things step by step and not get too over whelmed
- Advise me on whether the hardware will work or what other things I might need
- Give some pointers or links which I could follow
Ultimate goal: Have a system such that I can call home from my mobile or Skype and then use the free international and unlimited local calling package I already have at home to make all my calls rather than calling from my mobile. Eventually I would also like to add a mobile gateway which I would use to forward incoming calls to different members of the family depending on what option the caller selects.
Hardware I currently have:
- Raspberry Pi
- Android phone
- PSTN line coming into the house (TalkTalk UK)
- ADSL router
- Ethernet and telephone cabling
- Cordless telephones which are currently connected to the PSTN
First I think I want to try and set up a basic VoIP or Skype and have a play with free PBX and my android phone. What do you recommend I do?
Hardware I am thinking of buying:
- Cisco Linksys SPA3102
What steps/milestones do you recommend I achieve as I am presently not too sure. I am also happy to try random things which might not help directly but will aide me to understand the system and set it up better.