So I got me a Pi 3B and I'm using the Bluetooth build into it. after some tinkering around I made some progress towards this goal but I've hit a roadblock and don't know how to continue from here.
Using bluetoothctl I was able to pair my Bluetooth headset:
[bluetooth]# info 00:25:DB:43:24:1B
Device 00:25:DB:43:24:1B
Name: Altec In-ear BT
Alias: Altec In-ear BT
Class: 0x240404
Icon: audio-card
Paired: yes
Trusted: yes
Blocked: no
Connected: no
LegacyPairing: no
UUID: Headset (00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: Audio Sink(0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: A/V Remote Control Target (0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: Advanced Audio Distribu.. (0000110d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: A/V Remote Control(0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: Handsfree (0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: PnP Information (00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
Modalias: bluetooth:v0039p157Ed0206
made some progress I did a
apt-get purge pulseaudio
apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio-module-x11
and now I get
Apr 11 02:29:31 raspberrypi bluetoothd[742]: a2dp-sink profile connect failed for 00:25:DB:43:24:1B: Protocol not available
Apr 11 02:39:12 raspberrypi bluetoothd[742]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.36 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
Apr 11 02:39:12 raspberrypi bluetoothd[742]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.36 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
Apr 11 02:40:01 raspberrypi bluetoothd[742]: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_25_DB_43_24_1B/fd0: fd(22) ready
which seems like it's ready to go but it's still outputting to the analog jack not the headset so I think I'm still missing something.
after doing some more poking around I found pactl and with that I was able to get it to show me what sources it had, and it had an option to upload a sample and play to a specified source. but the sound clip has to be really small to load. after digging around for one small enough, I was able to get it to actually play the sample though the headset! But when I try to use any media player they either flat out refuse to start, or I get no sound.
so I think I'm at the point now where the pi know how to send sound to the headset but it doesn't know it's supposed to output the sound there instead of the jack. I tried the "set-default-source" option and while I got no error it seem to affect anything either.