I'm running Raspbian Lite on my Pi 2 and I decided to make it's IP static, so I could SSH into it easily, run Plex Media Server and a few other things that are easier to access if your IP does not change all the time.
Since my modem/router (a terrible Thomson DWG874B, provided by my ISP) does not have DHCP reservation (how doesn't it??), I had to configure the IP the "hard" way:
$ sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
Added the lines:
iterface eth0
static ip_address= # Desired IP
static routers= # Router's IP
static domain_name_servers= # Google DNS
These lines are from some tutorial I've found somewhere in the Internet not long ago, with some adaptations to fit my needs.
I made sure that DHCP lease pool does not include that IP (it ranges from 20 to 254), and everything seemed to be ok.
Until a few minutes ago, when I tried to access my router's configs again, and I keep getting ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
. Then I unplug the Pi, everything's fine again. Conclusion: Pi is the problem.
What did I do wrong?
I have a NAS in the same network that I set a static IP as well and it just works, no complaints about it.