I've got my RPi set up as a media centre, running Raspbmc, using a powered hub to run a bunch of peripherals including terabyte external HD and a hacked-together IR remote.
All very nice, but it's resulted in a huge pile of cables and disembowelled electronics behind my TV, so I want to tuck it all away inside a case with just the power, HDMI, and Ethernet cables coming out.
Now, two power supplies to one box seemed silly, so I started looking at powering the Pi from the hub I'm using. A friend of mine seemed concerned by this, and knowing his experience in the field I thought it best to check. Here's the setup:
- Wall socket -> 5V 3A PSU -> Hub
- Hub (regular USB-A port) -> RPi microUSB power port
- RPi (regular USB-A port) -> Hub USB-B data port
(Also off the hub's other regular USB-A ports are a WiFi stub, Bluetooth keyboard/mouse pickup, terabyte USB3.0 hard drive)
It seems to run quite happily. I've tested it a little (with a careful eye out for danger signs, ready to start yanking leads from sockets) and I've not seen any instability, or any signs of data corruption on the SD card (which I was told could happen) or the external drive.
How do I check for certain whether this setup is safe, for hardware (I don't want to fry the gear) and software (I don't want to corrupt the SD or HD)? I don't want to put this all neatly inside a case to have it break.