I've been searching for a definitive answer to the above question, but somehow only seem to find semi-true statements (according to replies to these statements), or very outdated answers (for example this question on the Bitcoin SE).

So I hope you can help me out here:

What is the achievable hashrate of the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3?

Clarification: I do not want to know if it's feasible to mine using the Raspberry Pi.

  • 2
    I don't have an answer for you but I am sure if you do few minutes of searching on the internet you will find it, and it sucks. AFAIK people who have gone down this road have in the end discovered despite the relatively low power profile of the pi, it's still likely to cost more in electricity than you will make via mining. Get an FPGA and a pile of textbooks, lol, and you could use a pi to drive that for very fast hashing.
    – goldilocks
    Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 11:39
  • The 'few minutes of research' were done - however, as I stated above, the posts are old; from around 2013 mostly, and on the old RPi models. There are posts like this one which are new-ish, but they do not answer the question Im asking above: how much hashrate does it have?
    – deepbrook
    Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 12:20
  • 1
    I don't know enough about the topic to tell you whether or not the SoC really has hardware provision for hashing in this context (like I said I don't have an answer), but either way, I would assume at best you could take the "it sucks" number and do a litttle multiplication based on clock speed and number of cores and get a number that "sucks less". Bitcoin.SE might be a better place to at least get some of the required details straight first.
    – goldilocks
    Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 12:34
  • 1
    Lads, I appreciate the heads up on how inefficent mining with a Pi is - but that wasn't my question.
    – deepbrook
    Commented Jun 15, 2016 at 8:51
  • 2
    Frustrating as it may be, it's likely that you'll never get an answer to your question without doing your own testing. It appears that mining with a Pi is about as sensible as trying to render an entire Pixar movie on one. With it being such a foregone conclusion nobody's likely to undertake the testing. I'm as curious as the next person though, so if you come up with a number it would be great to see it in an answer.
    – goobering
    Commented Jun 17, 2016 at 11:02

3 Answers 3


My Raspberry Pi 3 Seemed to mine at about 400(ish) kilohashes per second.

This is on Einsteinium with the algorithm called Scrypt. I am running a program called m-minerd and am mining on the pool emc2.suprnova.cc. I have set this program to mine on all four cores at 100 percent!

If you want a more profitable coin to mine try mining the Magi coin. The official website is here. Magi is made to only be cpu mined and is more profitable for small devices. Here is a good mining pool. Hope this helps!


I'm running a Raspberry Pi 3B+ Monero miner 24/7 (no power costs so profitable more or less...)... I'm getting ~10H/s. Monero is CPU mineable so 10H/s isn't ver y bad at all... If I calculate my earnings on webpages like this one it seems like I would earn about 3.50$...

Hope I could help! :)


https://alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator. You will need to calculate that question yourself. The cost of mining and hash rate is unique to every miner. If this is endevor is a must for you I suggest you look at pooling if that is still an option. Keep in mind the calculations that are trying to be solved to actually get any bitcoin are very complex and take alot of power That needs to be apart of the equation. Join a bit coin forum they can help as most of the users are currently mining.

  • 3
    as stated before, I do not actually want to know how much a Pi can mine. In addition, this still requires knowing the actual hash rate of the Raspberry pi, which is what I wanted to know in the first place.
    – deepbrook
    Commented Jun 9, 2017 at 7:14

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