I already followed the steps listed in this answer: Connecting Raspberry Pi3 to L9110S H-Bridge
But it seems I must be doing something wrong because it still doesn't work.
I have a 12V battery 4800mAh (http://es.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Ship-Lipo-Battery-Portable-4800mAh-DC-12V-12-6V-Super-Rechargeable-Pack-EU-US-plug/32584864714.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.93.A2l9Zd)
These 12V motors: http://es.aliexpress.com/item/ROT-1-New-tracked-vehicle-chassis-metal-buggy-robot-tanks-video-show/32278263918.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.61.A2l9Zd
And this H bridge: http://es.aliexpress.com/item/Smart-Electronics-5Pcs-lot-L9110S-DC-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Board-H-Bridge-best-prices/32512498164.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.69.DbnLzz
I connected the battery to the H bridge using a power jack, then the battery to the raspberry pi ground, then the h bridge to the raspberry gpio ports and the H bridge to the motors.
I'm using GPIO 23 and 24, using the gpio command line utility, but nothing works.
Any ideas?