I want to customize the Raspbian OS in such a way that when boots no text is displayed on the screen but a custom image instead.
What I have is web based application and I start it with chromium in kiosk mode. The raspberry boot to the console and starts x from ~/.bashrc (startx). Then the chromium runs in kiosk mode when X starts.
I found a solution to this but it is not sufficient for my needs. By editing /boot/cmdline.txt some text can be pointed to console=tty3. However this is not only text that appears. When X server starts and when automatically loging to the console as user pi I also get some text displayed on the screen (1-2 sec). Also I get some texts when I use reboot or shutdown (when X stops). By using asplashscreen I can display customized image/video, but is not in the same way as default image when it is incorporated in the kernel.
Thanks in advance!