I am trying to just use a small program to make sure I have everything setup correctly. However, I am getting errors (see comments) for everything that is referencing "GPIO" Also, I have already referenced the "Windows IoT Extensions for UWP". - Thank you and any help is greatly appreciated!
Imports Windows.Devices.Gpio 'Imports statement is unnecessary
Public NotInheritable Class MainPage
Inherits Page
Private gpio
Private pin As GpioPin 'ERROR: GpioPin is not defined
Private Const LED_PIN = 18
Private Sub button_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles button.Click
Call TurnLedOnOff()
End Sub
Private Sub TurnLedOnOff()
'Check if gpio was already initialied
If gpio Is Nothing Then
gpio = GpioController.GetDefault 'ERROR: GpioController is not declared
End If
'Check if LED's pin was already initialied
If pin Is Nothing Then
pin = gpio.OpenPin(LED_PIN)
pin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low) 'ERROR: Not Declared
pin.SetDriveMode(GpioPinDriveMode.Output) 'ERROR: Not Declared
End If
'Read pin status and invert state
If pin.Read = GpioPinValue.High Then 'ERROR: Not Declared
pin.Write(GpioPinValue.Low) 'ERROR: Not Declared
pin.Write(GpioPinValue.High) 'ERROR: Not Declared
End If
End Sub
End Class