I do not know much about Chromium but if you want to trace and find appropriate solution, this could be helpful.
"Segmentation fault" happened because the program crashed and at the same time core is dumped. By looking at its definition, it refers to printing or the copying to a more permanent medium (such as a hard disk ) the contents of random access memory ( RAM ) at one moment in time. One can think of it as a full-length "snapshot" of RAM.
To debug this, you need to enable to create core file: ulimit -c unlimited
and check everything is set correct by ulimit -c unlimited
and after it crashes you would see core.<process-pid-here>
file. This is your core dumped file.
[ ...Likely cut n' pasted from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22711917/1151724 or a common source... ]
To analyze this file, you need GDB tool and it would be already installed on your pi. you need several steps to debug this.
1- Find the directory where the corefile is generated.
2- Use ls -ltr command in the directory to find the latest generated corefile.
3- Load the corefile:
gdb binary path of corefile
4- Then you can get the information using bt (backtrace) command.
5- To print the variables use print varibale-name or p varibale-name
6- To get any help on gdb use help option or use apropos search-topic
7- Use frame frame-number to go to desired frame number.
8- Use up n and down n commands to select frame n frames up and select frame n frames down respectively.
9- To stop gdb use quit or q.
This is the how you debug core file.
and seeing if the situation improvessudo nano /boot/config.txt
to view/edit the boot configuration (one such config is the memory split ratio). have a look at this answer and this post for more details.