You are in a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation if you cannot access the card from another device. Also, as I think SSH is not now made active by default on the standard Raspbian distribution {I think it needs a "sentinel" file to exist - as per this Q&A to temporarily enable it to login remotely} you have the problem of getting the requisite file on the card in the first place!
Actually the microSD cards available in retail outlets (e.g. your local supermarket) often come with a SD-to-MicroSD card adapter - I can see two lying discarded and now pretty much unused next to my Desktop PC as I type - and I have a third in use on my RPi 1B right now. So consider getting yourself a spare card+adapter, you can probably find some device that you can increase the external storage on with the card, e.g. a mobile-phone, camera, tablet - or just use it to experiment with different OS choices for the RPi without messing with your current (well, soon to be current 8-) ) setup...