In the last release (2.1) of NOOBS the developers have "disabled by default" SSH, so it's not possible anymore to connect to a Raspbian via SSH, which is installed via NOOBS, without enabling SSH after the installation.
For my purposes it's very important, that I can install Raspbian silently (silent install) via NOOBS and be able to connect to it via SSH without any manual changes.
Does anybody know, if it's possible to preconfigure the NOOBS package to enable SSH at all again? (for example similar the way to preconfigure the silent install)
PS: It's not an option for me to install Raspbian without NOOBS, I absolutely need to go with NOOBS.
Like @techraf wrote in a comment, there is a similar post with the same question, which offers the way using a Raspbian image to flash a SD card. Flashing a SD card is too complicated, due to the fact that I'm working with "NOOB" user, which I want to support using SSH in the background.