This is the same question as this but for Raspberry Pi 3 / Raspbian.
I need a way to show black screen by running command in console by using SSH connection. Monitor should not go to standby I just need a black screen to hide everything that is on the screen. Screen should be black until I give another command to show screen content.
In Ubuntu this works:
xrandr -d :0 --output default --brightness 0
But in Raspbian nothing happens:
pi@media2:~ $ xrandr -d :0 --output default --brightness 0
xrandr: Gamma size is 0.
pi@media2:~ $ xrandr -d :0
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1360 x 768, current 1360 x 768, maximum 1360 x 768
default connected 1360x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1360x768 0.00*
value, like--gamma 0:0:0
with a solid image?pi@media:~ $ xrandr -d :0 --output default --gamma 0:0:0 xrandr: Gamma size is 0.
and nothing happens on Raspberry's HDMI output.