I've followed the following tutorials (this one primarily, but this also) to set up a wifi access point on my RPi3 (in order to then use it as a Tor proxy). I have reached the stage where I test the access point host by running:
sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
However, after inputting the command I receive the following error message:
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Failed to create interface mon.wlan0: -95 (Operation not supported)
Could not set channel for kernel driver
Interface initialization failed
wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->DISABLED
wlan0: Unable to setup interface.
hostapd_free_hapd_data: Interface wlan0 wasn't started
Where should I be looking to troubleshoot this?
As additional information, I'm attempting to use the in-built RPi3 wifi adapter, and accordingly have commented out the driver=rtl871xdrv line in the hostapd.conf file.