I am not able to SSH to Raspberry Pi 3 from Putty. I can ping the IP address assigned by sharing Internet connection. Note: I do not have HDMI monitor so need to access remotely only. The problem I realized that SSH is not enabled by default in Pi3 and saw the posts which suggest to enable SSH by creating 'ssh' file inside /boot folder. I got the SD card which has pre-installed Noobs so when I open SD card it shows only /recovery folder. How to enable SSH in this case ? Please help to resolve it .
Even if i get monitor which supports HDMI, it seems i need to edit the display settings to adjust the screen resoltuion to 1920 *1080 by changing /boot/config.txt file. But i can not see boot folder in SD card. Please help to resolve this.
is the IP address of the Pi! Your question is lacking detail (of config), but it appears you are using ICS. If this is so you cannot alsossh
over the link. You can have either ICS or local access (without complex bridging). Connect the Pi to your router.