I wanted to rebuild this RPi Zero Project: https://learn.adafruit.com/pigrrl-zero/overview
But instead of paying 50(!) Dollars for a 2.8 Inch TFT i wanted to get some other lcd... I do still need some spare GPIOS for the custom controls (12 GPIOS to be exact). The LCD Display that i wanted to use plugs in with a 2x 20 pin, but doesnt use all GPIOS:
Interface Define:
24--GPIO7 --------> TP_CS
26--GPIO8 --------> LCD_CS
22--GPIO25 --------> TP_irq
23--GPIO11 --------> SPI_CLK
21--GPIO9 ---------> SPI_MISO
19--GPIO10 ---------> SPI_MOSI
5v ---------> 5v
GND ---------> GND
Does this mean that when i define the GPIO Button controls in the Retrogame config and only use GPIOS that are "green" (3.3v) and not used by the LCD, I can just solder jumpers to all the GPIOs That the LCD would need and plug them into the LCD, while using the rest for the controls?
The Numbers That are written as "GPIO[x]" are the ones sued by the software and listed for the LCD