I have a sensor for which I'm forced to use a NI DAQ to read data from. And I have a USB-6259 to do so.
I don't want to connect the DAQ directly to my laptop because it has messed it up before.
I know there is a Low Cost USB DAQ Driver for use with Raspberry Pi for NI USB-6008/6009 devices. But my question is if this is compatible with USB-6259? and If not how I can modify the driver for my specific DAQ?
P.S.1. From official NI page there are Linux NI-DAQmx drivers for Mandriva, SUSE and RedHat distros. Most probably they are compiled for x86 OS not the arm versions. Any chance we can use those drivers on an arm version of those OSes?
P.S.2. This is the reply I got from NI technical support:
... unfortunately that's a community driver which I cant support you with. We have the Instrument Driver Network on the National Instruments site which is dedicated to third party drivers, and includes support for modifying drivers.
I would also recommend trying the driver with the USB-6259 anyway as often our devices use identical protocols...