As the title states I'm working on a simple embedded application which reads some information from the serial port and logs it to file, in addition to displaying a bit of status on the display.
I'm now at the stage the logging seems to be running and I'm trying to configure the system and I've got a couple of questions.
The system is intended to log data to a FAT32 USB stick, which may be unplugged, replugged or replaced at any time. What is the preferred method of auto-mounting any inserted USB mass storage into a fixed directory? The usbmount package seems to nearly do this but the lack of maintenance makes bit wary.
I cannot guarantee the power supply and perform clean shut-downs. Thankfully the only files to be written, aside from internal OS information, should be the logs. Will a journalling file system for the OS save me from myself or should I be mounting the system read-only or tinkering with RAM disks?
Will the FAT file system on the USB stick survive and recover from power outages and sudden ejections? Should I create a new log file each time it gets mounted?
I've set up the X server to start automatically and fiddled with the LXDE autostart scripts to start the status display and disable the window manager/screen saver. Are there any other gotchas to maintaining a continuous display?
The logger will not have Ethernet access and rather needs an accurate clock. Is the RasClock module a suitable option?
Sorry about the long post and multiple semi-related questions.
I'm used to dealing with simple embedded devices for which I have full control over the software, and the task of correctly configuring a real operating system is making me a bit anxious. On the other hand I rather suspect that I'm not the only one (ab-)using the Pi for this type of application so hopefully the questions are not too specific to my particular situation.