I am new to using Raspberry Pi devices. I have a problem with enabling the cameras on the Compute Module 3. When I run 'vcgencmd get_camera' I get the output 'supported=1, detected=1'. The connections are all correct as described in Raspberry Pi documentation.
I think I have downloaded the single blob file when I run
sudo wget http://goo.gl/U4t12b -O /boot/dt-blob.bin
, because the command outputs supported=1
. Hence I think the problem is with the bin file and not the hardware connections.
How could I enable both the cameras? How to download dt-blob-dualcam.dts? A detailed command with explanation would help as I am new to this. I couldn't really understand the tree source files document. I have also checked out https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=174347
Am I missing something or did I get anything wrong?