The title must come across as bizarre but stay with me. I need to find out the MAC address of my RPi 1 model B's ethernet interface so that I can allow it onto the network (I live in university accommodation so even if connected to the LAN, it won't get even a local IP until I manually add its MAC to the whitelist - so SSH is out).
Problem is, I don't have a USB keyboard or mouse with me right now and getting hold of either isn't really feasible at this moment. What I do have is a TV that I can hook the Pi up to via HDMI (though I do intend to use it headless)
So, I'm wondering if there's any way I could do something along the lines of editing the raspbian image before I copy it across to the SD card so that it automatically runs the relevant commands to output the MAC address to the screen?
If not, any other ideas?