Hi I'm looking for an OS that is capable to show an webbrowser (in fullscreen) on an raspberry pi 2 (no other GUI elements are required/necessary).

The website is just one page using html, jquerry and some other "modern" libraries. For this I'm looking for a lightweight OS that doesn't need the overhead of a "regular" raspberry pi OS (e.g. noobs).

Is there a OS that supports this or is made for this specific use case?

So to be clear. Its not about hosting an webpage it's about displaying the webpage on a screen using the raspberry pi.

1 Answer 1


I think this is what you are looking for (FullPage OS). I never used it before but looking at some of the feedbacks it had, I'm guessing it's fine, but please note Do it at your own risk, and I do not take responsibility if anything goes wrong

enter image description here

Not sure if light weight, since it is chrome and chrome tends to be a little resource heavy. I would also suggest using Raspbian OS or maybe even MATE, they are fast and reliable on the Raspberry Pi.

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