I am new at this and software/ operating systems and anything programming are far from my strong points but I managed to stumble along and get Netlix to work. I will explain as best I can as I worked on this on and off for a day and a half – getting bits and pieces from different sites and moving forward a step at a time. . One of the problems that I was having was with respect to down loading a version of Chromium with Widevine from Github.com. Raspbain would not let me - giving me messages about un trusted software and not accepting my pasword to allow down load/ opening of file. I managed to get around that with some help from Tech Wiz Time – pertinent part of which I added below as I can't find the link that got me there but did copy what I needed when I originally found it. I think I got their via comments to one of their You Tube video's.
A script to generate a chromium deb package from a standard Chromium build
Usage: ./build-deb.sh deb_name version
e.g.: build-deb.sh chromium-browser_51.0.2704.91-0ubuntu0. 51.0.2704.91-0ubuntu0.
How to use installer.sh on Raspberry Pi inside Raspbian Pixel
To minimize problems, I've created an SHELL Script to handle removal of Chromium Browser, Installing of KUSTI8 precompiled DEB file and CLEANUP.
To use the pisetup.sh file, go to the Command Line and type the following:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TechWizTime/chromium-build/master/installer.sh
sudo chmod +x installer.sh
Then run the script:
sudo ./installer.sh
aHow to watch Netflix on the Raspberry Pi
I then had to install a user agent extension and make some other modifications based on an article I found on “The Pi”
As I tried different steps, I would attempt to run Netflix and get different error codes. Googling them gets you a description of what they are .
Netflix runs well on my Pi but for those that have issues with picture quality etc, the following tips from TechWiz time should help.
step worked for me so maybe you could post more details of where you're getting stuck? FYI all of the tutorials that you find online for Raspbian are assuming 32-bit because it's a 32-bit OS.