i would like to set up few Raspberries access points, that would have different SSIDs but would work with the same hostapd.conf files. For that i thought to define PI_SSID environment variable with different value for each Raspberry in bash file and use it in common hostapd.conf as SSID name.
What i've done so far?
In /home/pi/.bashrc i've added:

export PI_SSID=Razz01

In etc/sudoers i've added:

Defaults env_keep += "PI_SSID"

And in hostapd.conf i've set:


After restart of Raspberry PI, its SSID name is "$PI_SSID", not "Razz01".
What i do wrong?
Is it possible at all to define raspberry SSID with environment variable? If yes how to do it?

I use Stretch raspbian.

  • The hostapd isn't doing bash-shell-expansion on its config file. You might want to edit this file before initiating the network. Consider using /etc/rc.local to do something like sed -i -s "s/^ssid=.*/ssid=$PI_SSID/" hostapd.conf to differentiate the hostapd.conf files on startup.
    – Dave X
    Commented Dec 11, 2017 at 17:31


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