my question is that how can I send any data from my raspberry pi 3 to breadboard? Since I don't know technical parts very well, I want to do this in simplest way. Assume that I want to run a python script in my Raspberry and blink a led in breadboard (like this tutorial Normally, the led is in breadboard and breadboard is connected to Pi with jumper wires. I just want to replace jumper wires with something wireless in a simple way. I don’t want to edit my pyton code (if I have to, I would like to add simple touches).
Actually I gave the LED example to simplfy my question. Because it has just 4 parts and a short python code and I thought if there is a solution to my question, and if someone could help, I could apply it to everything I use raspberry and breadboard. My main situation is that I have a weight sensor and I run a python script and measure the weight (to do this, I got help from this tutorial: but I edited the script a lot that’s why I don’t want to change it. I just want to remove jumper wires somehow.
So, I hope I explained the situation well. Is that possible? If so, what wireless modules should I use? How many modules should I use? Just 1 to the bread board or 2 modules(1 for bread board, 1 for raspberry)? If I use 1 module how can I connect it to the raspberry? If I use 2 modules how can I pair them? Should I add a power supply to breadboard to send and receive signals? At the end of this, I just want to run my python script in my Raspberry as always with the minimum change of my existing code. If someone helps me with a detailed explanation(connecting mudules and coding parts), tutorials...etc I would be really really glad. Thank you so much.