I’m new to RPI and MQTT.fx.
I have mosquito installed on my RPI and tested Ok, per the instructions on http://www.switchdoc.com/2016/02/tutorial-installing-and-testing-mosquitto-mqtt-on-raspberry-pi/ (Ok, no problems )
I have the GUI MQtt.fx (version 1.5.0) working on my windows 7 laptop (OK, no problems)
Now ... I want to get MQtt.fx installed and working on my Raspberry pi 3, but when I download any one of the .deb files from http://www.jensd.de/apps/mqttfx/1.5.0/, and then try to install it with
Sudo gdebi filename.deb,
my RPI just comes back saying … uninstallable .. wrong architecture.
Now, ... I have tried several of the files located on the above web site, including the 2 that end in .deb . All cause the above error message.
Note:- When I query my RPI OS by using ‘uname -a’ command, it comes back with …Linux raspberrypi 4.9.35-v7 #1014 …..armv71 …
How can I correctly install MTQQ.fx on my RPI version 3 board ?
There are several existing questions about MQTT or mosquitto on this site, but there is little clear information about which MQTT.fx file to use and how to install it correctly on an RPI 3 board.
How can the above problem ...wrong architecture ... be resolved ? which .deb file will work ? how can it be correctly installed ?