Not exactly sure what type of configuration this is called (wifi ap, wifi gateway, wifi bridge?)
Basically, I want to use RPi3's wlan0 which is connected to home wifi network (10.0.0.x) to connect a PC that has no wifi capability to the same home wifi network.
Currently, I am able to setup DHCPCD and DNSMASQ in the RPI3 to bridge between wlan0 and eth0, and the PC is able to connect to the internet via RPI3.
The eth0 port is DHCP enabled, and sits on network 192.168.1.x, the PC gets its IP from the RPI3 eth0 w/ ipv4 of 192.168.1.x
All other devices on the home wifi network has ipv4 of 10.0.0.x, they can ping the RPI3's wlan0 Ipv4, but not the PC's.
What else should I do to make the PC visible to other devices?