I followed the instructions from this website on how to install Linux Kali on my Raspberry Pi Model B (which I have done before but had forgotten how to), and I plugged in the HDMI and microSD card, then after that I plugged in the power cable (it's the power cable for an Amazon Alexa, it delivers enough power) and waited for about 30 seconds just in case it was taking a while, but nothing happened.
I tried downloading the .img file again, still nothing. Rewriting it to the card, still nothing. Heck, I even tried plugging in a USB mouse before I plugged in the power just to see if that had any effect.
I'm almost entirely sure that there is nothing wrong with the Pi, it has worked before and has no physical damage to it; it was only a few weeks ago that I took out the microSD for extra storage in my phone (which I no longer needed the extra storage, hence using it in the Pi again).
You may be thinking, what if it is formatted wrongly then? It's not. I formatted it in FAT32 then I used Win32diskimager to write it to the microSD card. Maybe someone out there can help me with my particular problem?