I downloaded RPi.GPIO 5.3a from here: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/RPi.GPIO
I extracted the tar file, cd into the folder and ran:
sudo python setup.py install
It ran through a bunch of stuff and doesn't seem to have failed. The last line of its work is this:
Writing /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/RPi.GPIO-0.5.3a.egg-info
After that it was done and gave me back control.
Now I type
sudo python
import RPi.GPIO
and I see
ImportError: No module named GPIO
Can anyone point me to exactly what steps I need to take to get the python GPIO library installed correctly so I can import it and manipulate the GP pins? I've found a mish mash of different processes online (this was the one that came up most often) but I have thus far been unable to get any of them to work.
, andgpiozero
are now installed by default in Raspbian. See raspberrypi.org/blog/gpio-zero-update