I am working on an ECG signal processing project to detect heart arrhythmia in real time and notify the doctor via SMS , initially I was using a raspberry pi 3 b+ for the processing an AD8232 ECG acquisition sensor to get the ECG signal and a SIM808 GSM module to send SMS messages since the websites providing that service are not available in my country, however I just discovered that the Pi does not contain an ADC and that I will need to use an external module to perform the conversion. I have an STM32 F4 so I thought I might use it's ADC and perform the signal processing there as well since it contains a digital signal processing which is faster, and then send the results to the Pi, the results are the features of the signal needed for the classification we're using SVM. Finally it will send the SMS to the doctor.
To sum up, my questions is how can I communicate between the Pi and the STM32 to share these features?
I am sharing a lot of details about the project because I need an opinion about this solution – finally one more question for those who have used ECG sensors are these Healthy Pads reusable?